I am a firm believer in trying to make this world a better place than I found it. I am sure many of you already know why I started this company, but if you are new here, welcome! I decided to start this company in remembrance of my grandfather - Rene Joseph who lived a long life (93 years) until he sadly passed away in April 2020. Lumière René directly translates to Rene's Light. So... if you are having trouble pronouncing the name (don't worry you are not the only one-- I challenge you to try though), feel free to say "Rene's Light" -- I was thankful to have been raised by an intergenerational tribe. I grew up with my grandparents, cousins, siblings, and parents actively involved in my life. My parents worked so much when my brother and I were young we spent much of our time with our grandparents. They were like our best friends and parents all wrapped in one. I mourn the passing of my grandfather but also smile every time I think of him. I only think of the times he would carry me on his shoulders when I was little from my feet hurting, helping me with my school projects, running down Mr. Softee (Queen from Queens here!), and just a person I could just vent to. I miss him so much and I am humbled to share his legacy through Lumière René.

Grandpa and I
Why Candles?
I decided to start a candle business because I LOVE candles! I spent an overwhelming amount of money on candles a month (I still do!!) and wanted to learn how to make them. In addition to saving money, I also recognized the benefits candles have in my own self-care practices. Not to mention, the candle making process is very relaxing!
I recognize that self-care is not simply lighting candles and hoping the stress or pain goes away. Self-care is not as glamorous as we like to make it and it requires us to make that intentional effort to take a step back and provide the same level of compassion, patience, and love we provide others. On my own self-care journey, aromatherapy has served as one of the many practices in addition to my faith, exercise, and expressive therapy. I hope to be able to share with you all what I have learned on my own personal self-care journey and invite others to share their practices.
Cultivating Our Light
The purpose of this blog is to share resources and tools you can utilize to fuel your own light! My purpose in this world is to help others in any way I am able to. I recognize that in order for me to do this, I must work towards caring for myself. I invite you to stay up to date with our discussions on how we can hold ourselves accountable to our own self-care and self-preservation.
Thank you for shopping with Lumière René Candle Co. Love and Light to you, Katelynne
CEO of Lumière René Candle Co. @lumiererenecandleco